Oh baby, it's Widdle Wednesday!

Howdy howdy howdy. Wednesdays is always a fun day of the week for us because we love talkin’ tiny!  I don’t even have a baby anymore but for some reason these little guys always put a smile on my face. Just so ya know, we try and always offer up a range of cuteness….some things maybe be a leeetle bit of a splurge, but we always throw in something affordable in the mix for ya. Also, any special requests—for baby or big kiddos—shoot ’em my way! I’m a pro at scoring stuff and consider myself part Nancy Drew and part stylist wannabe. Whoo hoo! On with the show…

First up, Mini Boden. Always cute colorful and always cute. The look on the right is for boys, but I think a girl could easily wear it too!

From Mini Boden

Look at this little lady dressie….with that rosette on the top. It looks like a little vintage mod ensemble, but it’s Dwell Baby from TARGET. Crazy cute huh.

Get yours at Ze Target

I have to confess that I am not a fan of the baby headband. You know, those things that look like garter belts that people stick on little bald bebe girlies?  Argh. But then I saw these from Lou and Lee and I have to say they are KEEE-YOOT. I think I’d wear ’em myself if my head weren’t so honkin’….

From: Lou and Lee

Tiny bathing suits sort of make me grin. And want to run through a  sprinkler.

From Old Navy

Knuckleheads is known for their rad little boys clothes…but their girls stuff is pretty  adorable. I love when black is sweet and sassy on a toddler.

From Knuckleheads

Sugar and spice….this ensemble is tutu much. hyuck hyuck.

From Punk Baby.

From: Inky Dinks

Another one from Mini Boden.

Tee hee. These Cubana shirts rule!!

From Old Navy

This next one is not quite as colorful as I usually like, but it has a pretty hilarious concept. They’re the Great Mysterio—and they “predict the future” of your little one. When you order one, you never know which of the ten designs you’ll get. Will your wee genius become a Donut Tycoon? A Mafia Accountant? On the great Mysterio knows for sure!

From Wry Baby

I love The Beach Boys and Pet Sounds is one of my all time faves…..so I was lovin’ this tee when i saw it. Supah hip.

From Baby Wit.

These are kind of ridiculous and kind of genius!! SPATS. SPATS!

from Trumpette.

As I close out this edition, lemme just say, Hot Dog! Widdle Wednesdays rules!

From Black Wagon and Black Wagon. Double the goodness!

That’s the end, folks…..

10 thoughts on “Oh baby, it's Widdle Wednesday!

  1. Diggin the old navy suits and the Brian Wilson Pet Sounds Infant & Toddler Shirt. Great finds! Funny I had Lou & Lee in the hopper for this week’s Etsy Shop of the week! They are going to have a good week! xo

  2. The hot dog onesie is too much (I always think of that as the “Grease” hot dog.). And that dress is TARGET? Insane!

    Here’s a crazy request: I’ve been DYING to find red-and-white-striped footies a la Labyrinth or In the Night Kitchen, size 12-18 month. And I can’t find them anywhere! Help, ModernKiddo readers!

    1. I love the Brian Wilson shirt…..and the Great Mysterio cracked me up!!

      Jody, we’ll get right on it! You mean, like Raggedy Ann stripey socks? Or vertical?

  3. Jody–I used to have a great onesie that was red and white stripes from Target, but they only made them to size six to nine months. Man, we loved that thing. We called it her Candy Cane prison outfit.

    I love the mix of inexpensive and spendy, Alix! And I think my fave is the mysterio one. Tee hee!!! I wanna be a donut tycoon.

    mmmm…. donuts!

  4. We got a Mysterioso shirt for Ingrid when she was born–she’s going to be a professional bowler!

    I am in love with that dress from Target, I wish it were in toddler sizes! And the gingham elephant is pretty right on, too!!

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